The leather goods origin of the house, however, means that we’re talking about decades of bag-making tradition. Like many iconic Italian fashion houses, the house of Prada was just a leather goods shop in Milan once upon a time. Be the first to rock them by picking up one of the originals directly from Prada or Farfetch!
This is one of the first of what will surely be a big selection of eco-friendly bags. This comfy bag has two outer pockets, lots of space inside, and an attached coin purse.
The house is slowly transitioning to re-nylon, a version of the fabric made from recycled plastics taken from the ocean. Whether you have a casual style or would like a backpack for weekends, a Prada nylon backpack is a good investment, because it’ll last you a while and it has serious resale value. Prada backpacks endured well into the ‘90s, so it’s not surprising to see celebs like Khloe Kardashian carry them over their shoulder with this recent resurgence. Miuccia herself loved the way these Prada bags combined industrial designs with high fashion. The first Prada nylon backpacks were released in the ’70s, with this particular design becoming a mark of luxury in 1984, as Prada stores were opening in all the fashion capitals of the world. It’s not obvious to associate a durable nylon backpack with luxury, but that’s exactly what Miuccia Prada did.